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About Me



Zenginal, E., & Unsal Ozberk, E. B. (2023). Investigation of The Effectiveness of Positive Psychotherapy Based 0-6 Age Family Education Program. E-Kafkas Journal of Educational Research, 10(3), 672-689.

Unsal Ozberk, E. B., Ozberk, E. H.,(2022) A Psychometric Approach to Personnel Selection: Latent Profile Analysis Of Prison Officer Candidates. Trakya University Journal of Social Science.

Unsal Ozberk E.B., Yetkiner, A. (2021) Logistic Regression Approach in Classifying the Effectiveness of Online Education. International Journal of Psychology and Educational Studies 8(4):21-31 DOI: 10.52380/ijpes.2021.8.4.528

Ozberk, E. H., Unsal Ozberk E.B. Uluç, S., Öktem, F. (2021) Investigating Invariant Item Ordering in Intelligence Tests: Mokken Scale Analysis of KBIT-2. International Journal of Assessment Tools in Education 8(3):714-728. DOI: 10.21449/ijate.858183

Unsal Özberk, E. B., Yılmaz Fındık, L., Ozberk, E. H., (2018). An Investigation of Factors Affecting Resilient Students Mathematics Performance According to Student and School Level. Education and Science. (SSCI Indexed). DOI: 10.15390/EB.2018.7153

SA Cavanaugh, …., Unsal Ozberk E.B. (2017) Software Review of flexMIRT Version 3.5. Applied Psychological Measurement (SSCI Indexed). DOI: 10.1177/0146621617726792

Unsal Ozberk E.B., N. Koç, (2017) Gender and Socioeconomic Status DIF on The WISC-IV Turkish Form Items: A Comparison of DIF Detection Techniques, Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology; 8(1);112-127 DOI: 10.21031/epod.287577

Unsal Ozberk E.B. (2017). A Study With A View To Developing A Scale For Use At The Ministry Of Justice Prison Staff Training Centres: Training Satisfaction Scale, Inonu University Journal of the Faculty of Education, 18(1), 70-82, DOI: 10.17679/inuefd.295719

Ozberk, E. H., Unsal Ozberk E.B., (2016) Teacher Priorities on Identifying Gifted Children: A Pair-Wise Comparison Method Scaling Study, Ankara University Journal of the Faculty of Education, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 119-137, 5, DOI: 10.21565/ozelegitimdergisi.246269

Unsal Ozberk E.B.,N. Dogan, (2014) Examining the Results of Different Models Used in Multitrait- Multimethod Analysis, Journal of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology; vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 43-61, 12. DOI: 10.21031/epod.01666

Cirak G., Sahin B. D., Unsal Ozberk E.B., Eris M. H., (2014) The Investigatıon of the Texts in Fifth Grade Turkish Course Book in Aspect of the Values It Conducts  Mediterranean Journal of Humanities, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 83-95, 6, DOI: 10.13114/MJH.201416426

Ozberk, E. H., Unsal Ozberk E.B. (2012) Program Development Study Based On Need Analysis In Higher Education: Measurement And Evaluation Course Model. Journal of Research in Education and Teaching, 1(4).

Conference Presentations and Posters

H. E. Ozberk, T. Ackerman, M. R. Luecht, Unsal Ozberk, E. B. (2016). Multidimensional Test Design Approach for Ability Estimation in Adaptive Testing, International Meeting of Psychometric Society, ASHEVILLE, USA

Ozberk, E. H., Unsal Ozberk, E. B. (2013). Examining the Relationship Between Creativity, Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving Skills Using Structural Equation Modeling. Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on New Trends in Education and Their Implications, Antalya, TURKEY

Unsal Ozberk, E. B., N. Dogan, (2013). Examining the Results of Different Models Used in Multitrait Multimethod Analysis, The 78th Annual Meeting of Psychometric Society, ARNHEM, NETHERLANDS

Ozberk, E. H., Unsal Ozberk, E. B. (2012). Program Development Study Based On Need Analysis in Higher Education: Measurement and Evaluation Course Model. Paper presented at the Applied Education Congress, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, TURKEY

Unsal Ozberk, E. B., H. Gümüş, M. A. Sahin, Evaluation of Theoretical and Practical Training for Pre-Service Correctional Officers: A Study on Adaptation Level, II. International Social Sciences Symposium, Antalya, TURKEY

Unsal Ozberk, E. B., Examination of Aggression, Anger, Depression, and Anxiety Levels of Detainees and Convicts in Terms of Certain Variables: The Case of Kilis Closed Penal Institution, Forensic Social Work Symposium, ANKARA, TURKEY

Unsal Ozberk, E. B., M. A. Sahin, Qualified Correctional Officers: An Example of Scaling by Pairwise Comparison Method, Forensic Social Work Symposium, ANKARA, TURKEY

Unsal Ozberk, E. B., M. Baydan, The Impact of Menopause on the Mental Health and Stress Levels of Working and Non-Working Women, 16th National Psychology Congress, MERSIN, TURKEY

Book Chapters

Sahin M.D., ..., Unsal Ozberk, E. B. (2021). Measurement and Evaluation in Education. Nobel Publications.

Tezer D., Yılmaz S., Unsal Ozberk, E. B. (2020). Young Children with Special Needs. Nobel Publications.

Atar B., Ozberk, E.H., Unsal Ozberk, E. B., Atalay Kabasakal, K. (2019). Data Analysis and Psychometry Applications with R. Pegem Publications.



European Union, Improving The Professional Competence And Increasing The Social Development Of Prison Staff, Development of Training Modules and Providing Training to Enhance the Professional and Social Competence of Prison Staff, Start Date: 01.12.2015, End Date: 30.11.2017, Completed


TÜBITAK PROJECT, Examination of Socioeconomic Status and Gender Bias in the Items of the Turkish Version of Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children IV, Start Date: 02.08.2015, End Date: 05.07.2016, Completed

Dr. Elif Bengi Unsal Ozberk

PhD, CPsychol, MBACP

I completed my undergraduate education in the Psychology Department at Ankara University in 2009. I received my master's degree from the Department of Educational Measurement and Evaluation at Hacettepe University in 2012, and my doctorate from the Department of Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology at Ankara University in 2016. During my doctoral studies, I worked at the University of North Carolina as a visiting scholar. As a part of my Ph.D. dissertation study, I got a scholarship from Turkey to research the process of applying current differential item functioning detection methods to intelligence tests by investigating potential gender and socio-economic status bias in the WISC-4.

During my postgraduate education, I continued to work as a psychologist and psychotherapist. My endless curiosity to understand and know humans led me to complete Basic and Master training in Positive Psychotherapy from The World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy in Germany, in line with the standards of the European Association for Psychotherapy. Additionally, to enhance my professional knowledge since I started my career as a psychologist in 2009, I have participated in numerous trainings such as EMDR Therapy, Crisis Trauma Grief Counseling, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy, and Family and Marriage Therapy. Believing it essential for a long-serving psychotherapist, I have continued my own therapy, supervision, and intervision practices. Throughout my academic career, I have attended numerous national and international congresses and symposiums, working with many esteemed scholars. Professionally, I am a Chartered member of The BPS (British Psychological Society), a Registered member of BACP (British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy), and a member of WAPP (World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy).

Between 2009-2011, I started my professional life in the private sector as a psychologist, working with children and parents. From 2011 to 2017, I served in various positions at the Ministry of Justice. During my time at the Ministry of Justice, I provided psychotherapy services to inmates, their families, and correctional facility staff, participated in and led numerous national and international projects, and provided training to psychologists, social workers, correctional officers, judges, doctors, and various other personnel. In 2017, I decided to continue my professional life in academia, leaving my position as Head of the Personnel Training Department at the Directorate General of Prisons and Detention Houses of the Ministry of Justice. In 2017, I started working as an assistant professor at Trakya University. During my tenure, I taught research methods, statistics, psychological tests, measurement, and evaluation courses at undergraduate, master's, and doctoral levels. Academically, my areas of interest include psychological tests, the psychometric properties of tests, bias in tests, student achievement, and psychological resilience. I have written numerous scientific articles and book chapters in national and international journals on these topics. I have also supervised theses, and conducted various national and international projects, providing training on psychological tests and parent counseling to professionals, and contributing to the training of teachers, counsellors, and psychologists. I have provided consultancy services on test development, adaptation studies, and the psychometric properties of tests in various units of the Ministry of Justice and the Ministry of National Education.

In addition to all these duties, I have continued to provide independent psychotherapy services in various institutions and organizations in the cities where I have lived since 2011. Since 2019, with the increasing prevalence of online therapy services, I have been providing therapy services to my clients living in various cities in Turkey and different countries.

Since immigrating to England in 2022, I have continued the psychotherapy, training, and consultancy services I have been providing through my own company, Omni Psychotherapy & Counselling. Additionally, I am working as a Senior Lecturer in the Psychology Department at Buckinghamshire New University, where I train psychologists and psychotherapists.

Undergraduate and Postgraduate Education

  • Ankara University, Department of Psychology, Bachelor's Degree

  • Hacettepe University, Educational Measurement and Evaluation, Master's Degree

  • Ankara University, Measurement and Evaluation in Education and Psychology, PhD

  • University of North Carolina, Educational Research Methodology, Visiting Researcher during Doctorate

Professional Training and Certificates

  • Advanced Training in Positive Psychotherapy (750 hours) approved by the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WIAP) - 2022

  • EMDR Level 1 Training / Institute Ay, Asena Yurtsever - 2022

  • Basic Training in Positive Psychotherapy (200 hours) approved by the World Association for Positive and Transcultural Psychotherapy (WIAP) - 2020

  • Crisis Trauma Grief Counseling Training / Dr. Nevin Dölek - 2021

  • Solution-Focused Brief Therapy Training / Dr. Nevin Dölek - 2021

  • Cognitive Behavioral Counseling Approach with Children Training / Dr. Nevin Dölek - 2021

  • Family and Marriage Therapy Training Level 1 / Prof. Dr. Hürol Fışıloğlu - 2021

  • Relational Methods in TA Psychotherapy & Counselling / Richard Erskine TSTA - 2021

  • Certificate of Authority for Medical Applications of Psychology - 2012

  • Family Education Program Trainer Certificate / Republic of Turkey Ministry of Family and Social Policies - 2012

  • Child Assessment Package Training / Turkish Psychological Association / Prof. Dr. Gülsen Erden - 2009

  • Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Practitioner Certificate / Turkish Psychological Association / Prof. Dr. Gülsen Erden - 2009

  • "Thematic Apperception Test" Study Group / Prof. Dr. Azmi Varan - 2009

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